perferably for members dragin scimitar or whip for non members rune b axe or rune scimitar and if u hvae a hi range lv then use a dark bow or knifes on defence/range catagorie
The scimitar is a good all round weapon. For your level a mithril one will probably suffice.
The best weapon is the one that causes the greatest amount of damage to the chosen enemy. Once you decide what enemy you want to attack, look up its weaknesses, and choose a corresponding weapon. For example, if it is weak to slash, use a weapons that has a slash attack, and select a slash attack in combat styles.
It depends what your strengh is, if your strengh is higher you should get a warhammer or battleaxe. If your attack is higher you should get a sword of some type_______________________________________________________________________Y..Yes, it would depend on strength BUT, it would also depend on defence, because there's no point in having a high hitting weapon that has terrible defence, but i'd recommend claws or halberd.add me on runescape - money mad54
In my opinion the best is a rune scimatar
vestas sword, but the best weapon is chaotic maul.
The scimitar is a good all round weapon. For your level a mithril one will probably suffice.
Weapons don't add to your defence bonuses. The best armour, however, would be full rune.
Saradomin sword or Dragon scimitar are popular.
The best weapon is the one that causes the greatest amount of damage to the chosen enemy. Once you decide what enemy you want to attack, look up its weaknesses, and choose a corresponding weapon. For example, if it is weak to slash, use a weapons that has a slash attack, and select a slash attack in combat styles.
Get a weak weapon and fight barbarians at the barbarian village.
depends if you have good armor, weapon and food you should kill moss or hill giants
The best and most efficient way to train defense on runescape member's worlds is to train on rock crabs. Rock crabs have 500HP, low defense, and a maximum hit of 15, they also drop clue scrolls.
You need 99attack,super attack potion, piety, and the best weapon, armor that increases attack, and fight someone with low defence.
It depends what your strengh is, if your strengh is higher you should get a warhammer or battleaxe. If your attack is higher you should get a sword of some type_______________________________________________________________________Y..Yes, it would depend on strength BUT, it would also depend on defence, because there's no point in having a high hitting weapon that has terrible defence, but i'd recommend claws or halberd.add me on runescape - money mad54
Dragon claws
Gravite shortbow.