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Definitely Pinsir!

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Q: What is better Scyther or Pinsir?
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Where can you find an everstone in Pokemon gold and silver?

Join the Pokemon bug contest in the park above goldenrod you get the everstone when you become second so catch a pinsir or scyther at level 13 or some like that

What the best Pokemon in the bug catching contest in heart gold?

Scyther and Pinsir are the best that you can find in the bug catching contest. Well i don't know if you can find a heracross or not...... sorry if i mistype the pokemon's name

Pokémon soul silver bug contest Pokémon?

First of all , Bug catching contest only happens on Tuesday , Thursday and Saturday , For Tuesday , the catchable pokemon`s are : Caterpie(20%) , Weedle (20%) , Metapod (10%) , Kakuna (10%) , Paras (10%) , Venonat (10%) , Butterfree (5%) , Beedrill (5%) , Scyther (5%) and Pinsir (5%) For Thursday , The catchable pokemon`s are: Wurmple (20%) , Nincada (20%) , Silcoon (10%) , Volbeat (10%) , Kricketot (10%) , Kricketune (10%) , Dustox (5%) , Combee (5%) , Scyther (5%) and Pinsir (5%) For Saturday , the catchable pokemon`s are: Wurmple (20%) , Nincada (20%) , Cascoon (10%) , Illumise (10%) , Kricketot (10%) , Kricketune (10%) , Beautifly (5%) , Combee (5%) , Scyther (5%) and Pinsir (5%)

What does pinsir evolve into?

Pinsir does not evolve.

How do you win the bug catching contest in soul silver?

You have to catch a venonat or a butterfree Actually, I find that the best way to win is to catch a scyther. You will win absolutely unless someone else caught one. If you cannot find one, you can go for a Pinsir, but they lose against a scyther. Good Luck! (They give out great prizes... I got a thunderstone XD)

Related questions

Where is pinsir in heartgold?

Pinsir is available in the Bug Catching Contest. Pinsir, Scyther or other strong bug Pokemon can easily found at night, trust me. Last time, i try to catch them at the morning, but I did not encounter with any strong bug Pokemon.

Pokemon soul silver what Pokemon can you find in the national park?

the most rare Pokemon in national park are none none are there but in the bug catching contest the rare Pokemon are dustox, scyther,pinsir, and venonat.

Where do you find Scyther on Pokemon Blue?

You Can't, you'd have to trade it from Red or Yellow. In blue, unlike red, You can capture Pinsir, and Yellow has both.

Where do you get sun stone in Pokemon Gold?

go to national park, catch the stronger pokemon(pinsir/beedrill/scyther/butterfree) to get first place. when you win, you will get sun stone.

Is pinsir better than wailord on Pokemon ruby?

yes pinsir is better it has great attack and power. you are the best Pokemon trainer ever well done!

Who is better Scyther or Bulbasaur?


How do you catch a Scyther in Pokemon SoulSilver?

no but i think you can trade it from firered or leafgreen.

Can you only catch Scyther during the bug contest?

No, you can also catch caterpie, weedle, metapod, kakuna, butterfree, beedrill, pinsir, venanot, and dutox. and i think more. Hope this helped!

Pokemon ranger 1 how to shut down the generator?

If you are talking about the ones in the Dusk Factory then you capture a Pinsir and use it to cut the bars the bigger one requires a Scyther. Hope this helps.

What are the rare Pokemon in safari zone?

aron dragonair dratini and gyrados i think their is more:D

Where can you find an everstone in Pokemon gold and silver?

Join the Pokemon bug contest in the park above goldenrod you get the everstone when you become second so catch a pinsir or scyther at level 13 or some like that

What the best Pokemon in the bug catching contest in heart gold?

Scyther and Pinsir are the best that you can find in the bug catching contest. Well i don't know if you can find a heracross or not...... sorry if i mistype the pokemon's name