Scyther and Pinsir are the best that you can find in the bug catching contest. Well i don't know if you can find a heracross or not......
sorry if i mistype the pokemon's name
In heart gold, you win the bug catching contest by catching the best bug type Pokemon. The score of the Pokemon you catch is based upon both it's stats and the amount of Hit Points it has left when you catch it.
a luxry ball
bastodien evolition of shildon
the best Pokemon (grass) in platinum is probably shemin, but that's just my opinion - good luck catching it!!
A Bannette with Faint Attack, Spite, Curse and Destiny Bond.
In heart gold, you win the bug catching contest by catching the best bug type Pokemon. The score of the Pokemon you catch is based upon both it's stats and the amount of Hit Points it has left when you catch it.
Go in the bug catching contest in national park and by the entrance to the park on Tuesday talk to the door man and go the contest and you can only have the last one you catch and if you catch the Pokemon with the best health you win
National park, best chance in the bug catching contest.
by fighting wild Pokemon and getting in battles, the easyest way is to have a EXP SHARE on your nicada and fight the elite four with your best Pokemon
A dark than fighting.
a luxry ball
bastodien evolition of shildon
Schyter or Pinsir.
Please tell me you mean Sun Stone. PLEASE. You have to enter the bug catching contest in the National Park near Goldenrod and get 1st place. The Pokemon that give you the best chance at winning are Beedrill, Butterfree, Pinsir, and Scyther.
It really just depends on the Pokemon and its stats/moves :)
Paralyze, Sleep or Freeze.
There isn't one. The best is if you've perfected the dancing, got a perfect dress up and your Pokemon is the right type.