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Saradomin armour, like all god armour (guthix - zamorak -saradomin) is just rune that's trimmed in a godly colour and symbol,EXEPT FOR THE FACT THAT...all god armour gets you the mercy of the god's in the God Wars - in other words, that particular god stops his minions from kicking your but to pieces!

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Q: What is better Saradomin or rune armor?
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Which rune armor looks better?

Saradomin or Zamorak

Which looks cooler Saradomin armor or Rune Gold Striped armor?

They're exactly the same stats.

What level do you have to be to use Saradomin weapons in runescape?

40 ATT for rune weapons. And if you're a member, 70 attack for the Saradomin Sword. 40 DEF for armor

Why is saradomin awesome?

it is not that good it has the same defense as regular rune armor but it is alot of money and has a cool disiegn

What is the best armor for non - members on runescape is it rune gold trimmed or zammy or what help?

saradomin is the best armour although the second best is guthix then rune they r the 3 best armour u can also get rune trimmed but not guthix and saradomin i hope this helped you ty

What is the point of saradomin armor in runescape?

There's really no point just it looks cool. its exactly the same as rune armour

What is the best thing to merch in runescape?

Partyhats or any rune armor.(guthix, saradomin-lots of money if merched, zamorak)

What is the best armor for nonmembers on runescape?

the best F2P armor is Rune (platebody, full helm and plate legs), Saradomin, Guthix, or Zammorak. all of these give the same boosts

Aqworlds What is a good non member weapon and armor?

If you are a non-member, the best armour to get would be either Guthix, Zamorak or Saradomin. They all give the same stats I think but have different colours. Guthix is green trimmed rune, Zamorak is red trimmed rune and Saradomin is white trimmed rune. Even though they are just rune trimmed, it is still more stats than the normal rune. The best non-member weapon would be the rune scimitar because they don't have Guthix, Zamorak and Saradomin swords on there.

What is the strongest rune 1 handed weapon on runescape?

Probably the Rune battleaxe, though the Warhammer is slightly stronger against plate armor.

What is the best rune shield on runescape?

saradomin shield

How do you get rune armor?

You can get Rune armor at the Grand Exchange.