I used to have that movie. Was it the one where Pikachu finds another Pikachu that knows how to surf on a surfboard? If it was, I think it was called The Big One or something similar... Google it.
Pikachus owner is called Ash Ketchum
There is no such Pokemon called "Pikachu Swag." Though, there's nothing stopping you from using that as a nickname.
It's called: Pikachu! I choose you!
Pikachu is good because it is cute and it is good because it can learn an awesome move called VOLT TACKLE! By the way if you don't like it go to youtube.com and search pikachu love story!!:)
A mix of a Birdo and a Pikachu is called a Birdachu. It has it's normal Birdo body with Pikachu's tail, ears and cheeks. It's belly is yellow as well. In order to give birth to a Birdachu, you must have a female Birdo and a male Pikachu make a baby together. (With a Yoshachu, it's the other way around.)
there's a animal called pikachu in pokemon world. he is a electric mouse.
Pichu -> Pikachu -> Raichu (It's called evolution)
Well if you breed a female pikachu or riachu that is holding a light ball with a male riachu or pikachu. The baby will have volt tackle.
A mix between a Yoshi and a Pikachu is called a Yoshachu. It has it's normal Yoshi body with Pikachu's tail, ears and cheeks. It's belly is yellow as well. In order to give birth to a Yoshachu, you must have a female Pikachu and a male Yoshi to make a baby together. If you want to learn more about a Yoshachu, please type the following question: "Can a Yoshachu use Pikachu's attacks?" Thank you for your concern! :-)
I used to have that movie. Was it the one where Pikachu finds another Pikachu that knows how to surf on a surfboard? If it was, I think it was called The Big One or something similar... Google it.
You call it a pichu
You have to go to the safari zone and catch a pikachu holding a light ball. Then you breed it and the baby pokemon will know volttackle
Pikachus owner is called Ash Ketchum
yes there is a game called pikachu rope where can i find the game?
The episode is called "Pikachu's Goodbye" (Season 1, Episode 39) when Ash's Pikachu learns Volt Tackle for the first time.
It is pichu, the baby form of pikachu.