On the episode where swinub evolves in piloswine On the episode where dawn gets knocked out in the first round of the salaceon town Pokemon contest
Episode 478: "Not on my watch ya don't"
It's not an episode that's why it's called a MOVIE!!
Ho-oh First Episode
have you seen pokemon the first movie?
DP episode 1
Pokemon I Choose You If any other questions go to Serebii.net
Pokemon, i choose you!
Episode 277, the first episode in season 5.
If you mean the "Who's That Pokemon" silhouette from the very first episode, it's pikachu! Everyone knows Pikachu of course!
On the episode where swinub evolves in piloswine On the episode where dawn gets knocked out in the first round of the salaceon town Pokemon contest
Episode 478: "Not on my watch ya don't"
The Pokemon Charmeleon first appeared in Pokemon in the episode titled "A Parent Trapped". The Pokemon Charmeleon is the evolved form of the Pokemon Charmander.
Alot of them you see her when first saw Pokemon episode 1 i choose you
It's not an episode that's why it's called a MOVIE!!
Ho-oh First Episode