have you seen pokemon the first movie?
In the Anime, the first Pokemon to ever be seen was Gengar.
I haven't seen the episode with Lucas in it. But in the game they do
Dawn's underwear can be seen in Abra and the Psychic Showdown and Steamboat Willies.
Kid Buu is first seen in the episode, "Evil Kid Buu".
have you seen pokemon the first movie?
If you are looking for Soul Silver, Shinx is in the beginning routes and can be seen throughout the game as you go further on the journey.
Well I found mine in the grass right before you enter the little cave to Oreburgh city. I was lucky to have seen it.
In the Anime, the first Pokemon to ever be seen was Gengar.
I haven't seen the episode with Lucas in it. But in the game they do
He is first seen in chapter 35/episode 20.
The first pokemon seen on Ash's travels (excluding pikachu) was a pidgey, which he tried to catch, and failed..... miserably
I've seen the next jeneration of Pokemon and it's Pokemon explorers of time and darkness but only one episode has been made
First time they are seen thogheter is in episode 32
ash have seen legendaries from the whole world of Pokemon he only caught a mistic Pokemon that is half rare/legendary i forgot the name but it's just like a shinx but it's a dark Pokemon and it's evolution is just like a magic Pokemon because it teleports from distants places and it looks goofy and looks lazy
Greece Lightning
You get a Shinx Egg. If it's a Eevee egg you're looking for I suggest you either migrate a Ditto from a previous game, trade one across or look for one in the Trophy Garden provided Mr Backlot has told you of Ditto being seen in his garden on that day.