Pikachu learns Thunderbolt at lvl 26 in Pokemon Yellow.
Yes, it learns Thunderbolt at level 26.
Pikachu learns Thunderbolt at level 29.Pikachu learns Thunderbolt at Level 29.
Any Pokemon that can fly can learn fly...like Fearow, Dragonite, Pidgeow?? I will try Pikachu or Zubat for fun.
pikachu learns thunderbolt at level 26
The episode is called "Pikachu's Goodbye" (Season 1, Episode 39) when Ash's Pikachu learns Volt Tackle for the first time.
Pikachu learns Electro Ball at Level 18.
Pikachu learns Thunderbolt at lvl 26 in Pokemon Yellow.
In Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen, Pikachu learns Thunder at level 41. It can be sooner when given the TM Thunder.
Yes, it learns Thunderbolt at level 26.
Pikachu learns Thunderbolt at level 29.Pikachu learns Thunderbolt at Level 29.
Right after it learns Thunder, because Raichu can't!
Any Pokemon that can fly can learn fly...like Fearow, Dragonite, Pidgeow?? I will try Pikachu or Zubat for fun.
Thunder, which it learns at level 41 (level 43 in Red and Blue versions).
pikachu learns thunderbolt at level 26
no he doesnt so you should train him until he learns thunder then evolve him
You cant as Discharge is not a team that can be taught to other pokemon. My advise is to start off with pikachu who learns discharge!!