no he doesnt so you should train him until he learns thunder then evolve him
Yes, Pikachu is able to learn Dig. It can learn Dig through the use of the Dig TM, which you can buy at the Cerulean City Poke Mart.
Any Pokemon that can fly can learn Fearow, Dragonite, Pidgeow?? I will try Pikachu or Zubat for fun.
Raichu will not learn thunder.... but pikachu can learn it at level 45
A Pokemon has to learn it as it levels up
Jolteon can't learn Spark on Pokemon FireRed.
Yes, Pikachu is able to learn Dig. It can learn Dig through the use of the Dig TM, which you can buy at the Cerulean City Poke Mart.
DRAGONAIR evolves into DRAGONITE at Level 55 in Pokemon FireRed.
Any Pokemon that can fly can learn Fearow, Dragonite, Pidgeow?? I will try Pikachu or Zubat for fun.
Raichu will not learn thunder.... but pikachu can learn it at level 45
A Pokemon has to learn it as it levels up
You have to be more specific. Pikachu has been in just about every Pokemon game there is and what moves it learns has been updated several times. So just ask "What moves does Pikachu learn in E.G. Pokemon FireRed version?"
Well Pikachu Doesnt Learn Volt Tackle In Pokemon Tower Defense but other's do but he may cause the maker of the game may add volt tackle to pikachu and other pokemon may learn it glad for the help!
bellsprouts can learn it or pikachu (EDIT)** my togepi knows it
I believe so there is a TM for that you can get it in firered and leafgreen from the game corner.