nothing really you can find some trainers, 1 rare candy, and the best thing about it is you can get shaymin but only if YOU HAVE BEEN TO A Nintendo EVENT if you have go to the library in canalave city to this woman she will teach you a secret language than go to eterna city and go talk to professer oak if you completed the Sinnoh dex or national dex I forgot than go back to rout 224 and use this move flash
p.s shaymin is not very powerful. One last note there is a secret Easter egg trainer hidden behind a tree just off the beach she is a reference from the "destiny deoxys" movie.
You can find Duskull on Route 224. :)
in Route 224
on route 224 Edit: But Dawns lil Sister has to say Route 224! They said theres a whole bunch of Natu's There.
The event scene in Pokemon Pearl where the player meets Professor Oak on route 224 is part of a Nintendo-sponsored special event in order to obtain the legendary Pokemon, Shaymin. The player must be involved in the special event to obtain the key item called Oak's Letter, and afterwards Professor Oak will appear on route 224.
After Obtaining National Pokedex, Beautifly can be found at Eterna Forest, Route 224 and Route 230 they are RARE
Route 224
you cannot
You can find Duskull on Route 224. :)
in Route 224
you have to kiss Awauhd Dickson in Route 224
route 224, found with Pokemon radar. AT NIGHT!
You can't access Route 224 until professor Oak upgrades your Pokemon. Then go east of Victory Road. Route 224 is the eastmost Route in Diamond Pearl and Platinum.
you get it from a Nintendo event. "Oak's Letter"
No. All she does is make you take her to Route 224.
on route 224 Edit: But Dawns lil Sister has to say Route 224! They said theres a whole bunch of Natu's There.
Route 224 You need to use the pokeradar Theres a 2% chance of finding one
You have to have all the gym bages