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After Obtaining National Pokedex, Beautifly can be found at Eterna Forest, Route 224 and Route 230 they are RARE

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Q: Where is a Beautifly in Pokemon Pearl?
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How do you catch a butterfly in Pokemon pearl?

You can not catch butterflies, if you are seeking to catch a beautifly, they are not wild. You have to catch a silcoon in Eterna Forest then evolve it into Beautifly

What type of Pokemon is Beautifly?

Beautifly is a Bug and Flying type pokemon.

Can the pokemon beautifly learn fly?

No, beautifly cannot learn fly.

Can the Pokemon beautifly learn the move fly?

No, Beautifly cannot learn Fly.

What Pokemon does silcoon evolve into?

In beautifly....

Who wants a FREE shiny Pokemon?

Who wants a free shiny Beautifly? You will need Pokemon pearl, diamond, platinum, heart gold or soul silver. WHOEVER COMMENTS FIRST GETS TO HAVE THE SHINY. Can I have it please!?!? i am luxray12 and i have pearl. wat do u want for it?

Where to catch a beautifly?

On Wednesdays (after beating Red), you have to tune to the Pokemon music channel. Then, with that music playing, walk through the grass. You may find a Wurmple, and that can evolve into a Beautifly.

Does beautifly learn solarbeam in Pokemon ruby?


What is the most beautifully Pokemon?

beautifly ofc

What is the national pokedex number for Beautifly?

Beautifly is #267 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Flying type Pokemon.

When does beautifly learn silverwind?

In Pokemon Beautifly learns the move silver wind at level 34. This Pokemon learns giga drain when it reaches level 38.

What level does the Pokemon silcoon evolve?

Silcoon evolves into Beautifly at level 10