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It is either a monster that can function as an Equip card through its own effect, such as Union monsters, or, it is a monster forcibly equipped by another card's effect such as Relinquished's ignition effect.

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Q: What is an equip monster in yu gi oh?
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When you equip your monster to your opponent's monster where does your monster card go in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Same as when you use a regular Equip Spell card on the opponent's monster, the monster acting as an Equip Spell Card goes to your own S/T zone.

Can you give me a Yu-Gi-Oh card?

"Monster Reborn" is the name of a Yu-Gi-Oh card.

What is the Yu-Gi-Oh card that destroys a target enemy monster after two turns?

Sounds like the Equip card, 'Ekibyo Drakmord'.

What is a Spirit monster in Yu-Gi-Oh?

A spirit monster is a monster that usually has the ability to return to the players hand. also, some spirit monsters have special equip items that go with them

What is a Yu-Gi-Oh union card?

Monsters that can equip to monsters.

Is yu-gi-oh out for ps2?

Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters GX: Tag Force Evolution Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Tag Force Evolution Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: The Beginning of Destiny Yu-Gi-Oh! Shin Duel Monsters II Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses

Can Mystical Space Typhoon destroy any monster that is equipped to another monster in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Yes, monsters acting as Equip cards are treated as Equip Spell Cards and are treated as such for the purposes of Spell destruction card.

What episode does yu- gi -oh end?

The original Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monster series lasted for 224 episodes.

Can Vylon Prism equip to a synchro monster that Prism was used to synchro summon in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Yes you can. Since its effect says " can", it will not miss timing. The Synchro monster would be out on the field when Vylon Prism hits the Graveyard, so you can equip it.

What yu-gi-oh games are there?

Well i don't know if i answer this completely correctly since there are a lot of Yu-Gi-Oh! games out there but i will tell you which ones i know: Yu-gi-oh! World Championship 2004 through 2010 Yu-gi-oh! Tag Force 1 through 4 Yu-gi-oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum Yu-gi-oh Duelists of Roses Yu-gi-oh! Joey, Yugi and Kaiba Most of the other Yu-Gi-Oh games are either for Gameboy Advance and most others are Japanese.

Is metalmorph treated as an equip card in Yu-Gi-Oh?

They are considered to be 'Equip Cards' but not 'Equip Spell Cards', in case anything specifies the latter.

Is yu gi oh duel monsters the last series for yu gi oh?

No. After Yu-Gi-Oh, there is Yu-Gi-Oh GX and Yu-Gi-Oh 5D. In April, Yu-Gi-Oh ZEXAL will be out.