Its more or less personal opinion.
The strongest spellcaster yugioh card is obviously Relinquished and Thousand-Eyes Restrict, they can take the attack of any monster card so it could even be thought as the strongest monster. Thousand-Eyes Restrict is so powerful that it was banned in the year of 2006.
Nothing, unless the card specifically mentions a penalty for not attacking. If a monster is in defense mode it is not able to declare an attack, and there are no consequences for not attacking unless the monster's text mentions one.
all of the exodia peicess put together
I traded Yugi Muto for Monster Reborn after completing the game.
"Blue-Eyes White Dragon" is the strongest Normal monster with 3000 ATK.
Its more or less personal opinion.
You put a monster in face down defense position BUT your not allowed to normel summon a monster in defense postion.
There really is no best monster its just how you use all of your monster together with your combined effects of spell and trap cards that makes them strong. Its about the strongest deck not the strongest monster!
I say neo aqua madoor his deffense is 3000
exodia can be but only if you have all five parts or exodius the ultimate forbidden lord but the strongest card is dragon master knight
'Hyper Psychic Blaster / Assault Mode' is the strongest Psychic Yu-Gi-Oh Card, ATK-wise.
"Monster Reborn" is the name of a Yu-Gi-Oh card.
shield & sword though changes opponents as well
The strongest spellcaster yugioh card is obviously Relinquished and Thousand-Eyes Restrict, they can take the attack of any monster card so it could even be thought as the strongest monster. Thousand-Eyes Restrict is so powerful that it was banned in the year of 2006.
exodia the forbidden