Assuming the defending monster is also in attack position, both monsters will be destroyed.
Five-Headed Dragon.
Yes, as long as the spell card is a Quickplay Spell, and the trap card is not a Counter Trap. So you cannot chain Monster Reborn to any trap. Nor can you chain Book of Moon to a Counter Trap, for example.
Unless the monster specifically says otherwise, it takes two tributes for a monster of Lv7+
yes its name is dark blade
You do.
monster reborn
Assuming the defending monster is also in attack position, both monsters will be destroyed.
magic trap and monster
Five-Headed Dragon.
Yes, as long as the spell card is a Quickplay Spell, and the trap card is not a Counter Trap. So you cannot chain Monster Reborn to any trap. Nor can you chain Book of Moon to a Counter Trap, for example.
Unless the monster specifically says otherwise, it takes two tributes for a monster of Lv7+
yes its name is dark blade
Your monster is destroyed if the monster you attack is in attack position, and you lose life points.
Yes, it does have to be in your hand.
Yes,Monster Reborn is banned in YuGiOh.Go on to the YuGiOh website and click on Forbidden cards.
You do not remove the counter for the summon, you tribute Ancient Gear Castle itself. So imagine you have Ancient Gear Castle with one counter. You can tribute it for a Lv5/6 Ancient Gear monster - but since Ancient Gear Castle is now gone, it cannot gain another counter.