A spirit monster is a monster that usually has the ability to return to the players hand. also, some spirit monsters have special equip items that go with them
level up!
Assuming the defending monster is also in attack position, both monsters will be destroyed.
Five-Headed Dragon.
Unless the monster specifically says otherwise, it takes two tributes for a monster of Lv7+
Dark Zane.
It appears on a few cards, but the first time it appeared as a monster is as the Paladin of White Dragon.
You do.
monster reborn
cockerspaniels that is all.
no you cant
level up!
Assuming the defending monster is also in attack position, both monsters will be destroyed.
magic trap and monster
Five-Headed Dragon.
Unless the monster specifically says otherwise, it takes two tributes for a monster of Lv7+
Dark Zane.
yes its name is dark blade