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A "Shell Bell" as obtainable on Pokemon Ruby/Saphire/Emerald/ is a hold item that is given to you by an elderly man located in Shoal Cave, witch itself is located just north of Mossdeep city. If you obtain in the cave and give him four of each Shoal Salt and Shoal Shells, he will give you a "Shell Bell", and thoes items are renewed every time you leave the cave. You can easily obtain Shoal Salt around the cave, but I have not yet assotained Shoal Shells, I think they are thoes light blue rocks you see on the higher levels of the cave, but I havn't had the ability to get them.

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Q: What is a shell bell for on Pokemon Ruby?
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What does the Shell Bell do in Emerald?

Every time the Pokemon holding the Shell Bell deals damage, the Shell Bell will heal the Pokemon.

In Pokemon Ruby what is in Shoal Cave?

If you collect enough Shoal Salt and Shoal Shells, the Old Man will make you a Shell Bell. The Shell Bell restores HP whenever the holder deals damage.

How do you get a shell bell in Pokemon platinum?

You can find a Shell Bell at Hearthome City in Pokemon Platinum.

How do you get a shell bell on Pokemon Crystal?

There is no shell bell within the game.

How do you get the soothe bell on Pokemon Crystal?

Nowhere. The soothe bell was introduced in ruby/sapphire

Does shell bell make Pokemon happy?

No, that's the soothe bell. The shell bell restores pokemons health after they do damage to their opponent depending on how much damage they do. The shell bell restores 1/8th of damage dealt.

How can you get a shell bell on Pokemon platinum?

You can find it at Hearthome City.

How to get shell bell and shiny spheal in pokemon ruby?

Please Read Before The : Is The Thing our Gonna Get If You Do It Shell Bell: You Can Get A Shell Bell By Collecting 4 Shoal Shells And 4 Shoal Salts,Shoal Salt Can Be Gotten On Catching Up On Low Tide And Shoal Shell Are Gotten When You Catch The Time On High Tide. Shiny Spheal: Go To Shoal Cave Then Keep On Finding Spheal Until You Find A Shiny One

Where do you get the shell bell in Pokemon White?

In Driftveil southeast of the Pokemon center need to have seen at least 50 Pokemon on your pokedexx

What else helps you heal besides leftovers in Pokemon diamond?

shell bell

Which Pokemon evolves with a smoothe bell in Pokemon ruby?

None, the soothe bell is only used to increase happiness of your Pokemon you don't need it to evolve a Pokemon that evolves from happiness though it is a good idea to use it if you have it.

Where can you get the sooth bell in Pokemon Ruby?

you can find the soothe bell in the Pokemon mansion talk to the maid in the second left room