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Tormented Wraiths, Water Feinds, Skeletal Wyverns, Shadow Warriors, Rock Lobsters, Greater Demons, Dust Devils, and Black Demons give a good crimson charm rate.

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Q: What is a monster in runescape that give the most crimson charms?
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What is a good way to get blue charms on RuneScape?

One of the fastest ways to get a lot of charms - including many blue charms - is to kill rock lobsters with the spell "ice barrage". Note that this spell requires a high magic level, and a lot of money. Otherwise, I would suggest you just do slayer tasks - preferably from the highest-level slayer master that is feasible for your combat and slayer level - and not worry about what type of charms you get; however, the genral tendency is that higher-level monsters give you better charms (for example, less gold, and more crimson and blue).

In runescape what monster gives you a corrupt dragon scimitar?

Their is no monster that drops one but if you kill another player in the pk worlds sometimes they will give you a scimmy drop if your lucky enough.

How do you get a leprechauhn?

You give it some lucky charms cereal

Can someone give a RuneScape account to ME?

No. This is against RuneScape's rules.

What did Phoebe give Clifford from the garden?

A crimson rose

Give you a sentence using the word crimson?

The sky turned a deep crimson as the sun set behind the mountains.

Can someone give you a RuneScape account for free?

No, that is against the RuneScape rules.

Do you have a high level Runescape account to give out?

No one can give Runescape accounts to someone else. It is against the rules.

Can you use a prezzy card for RuneScape?

You sure can, to give you access to Runescape members.

How much milk can Chelsea charms can give?

10 litres a day !!

Can you give me an example sentence with the word crimson?

Crimson is a tone of the colour red and can be used to represent many things ncluding blood, rage or lust.