3 places 1. General store-lowest of all profit (on that note, alching works too) 2. G.E.-profit, but someone may not buy 3. Orge near jigjig summing altar will take your pouches (noted too) and give you 70% of your charms back
There is a summoning obelisk Northeast of edgeville, that will recharge your summoning points. However I believe the nearest obelisk you can create summoning scrolls/ pouches is at Taverly
no you can not sell your house on runescape.
you mt be member and train your summoning skill. only certain creatures can carry items however. i recommend using runehq.com for anything on runescape.
138 for members, and 126 for f2p.138 for p2p as the new summoning skill adds one combat level for a certain amount of summoning levels gained.hence the availability to reach level 138 is only for p2p since summoning is a p2p skill.
it depends what kind of charms you use and what familiars you summon. Also, once you do the quest to start the summoning skill you get enough xp to go straight to level 4.
Soulwar is the best one to train summoning without charms and pouches.
Summoning pouches are easily available via the Grand Exchange and from summoning stores. The max gold pieces you pay in the Grand Exchange is 1gp.
You take charms, pouches, spirit shards, and secondary summoning ingredients to a summoning obelisk.
There is a summoning obelisk Northeast of edgeville, that will recharge your summoning points. However I believe the nearest obelisk you can create summoning scrolls/ pouches is at Taverly
Summoning is trained by gathering charms and infusing them with pouches to create various familiars. This is the most effective way to train it.
You can bury them for pray xp or use them to make spirit wolf and wolpertinger summoning pouches
You make pouches. This requires charms, that can't be traded - you have to get them as drops from different monsters.
First, you need to be a member to do this and complete the Wolf Whistle quest. Then u need shards and pouches which u can get at the pet store that is near faladore. Then u go in the summoning teacher's enterance (has red exclamation point) and go to the stone and click it and then u choose what pouch u want to make. You need to have all of the correct items to make some pouches (click on summoning guild that says your level in summoning to tell you what you need). Hope that helps! Happy summoning!
Er... can't happen. Though if you do slayer and sell all your pouches, you could break even. If you insist on power leveling summoning, try bloodvelds. Those are the best for green charms, which are decent dropping power.
no you only acquire exp through creating pouches, using scrolls, making scrolls and quests
The most common approach to leveling summoning is by making summoning pouches. This requires a number of spirit shards, a charm (bronze, green, crimson, or blue), a tertiary ingredient (dependant on the type of pouch being made) and a pouch. I items needed for a specific pouch are listed in the summoning menu in-game. All the required items are brought to a large summoning obelisk, (such as the one in Taverly used in the Wolf Whistle quest) and made into summoning pouches granting xp per pouch. You also get xp from summoning familiars and using their scrolls as well as making summoning scrolls, but the xp granted for this is very low in comparison to making the pouches.