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Q: Do runescape private servers give you a virus?
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Are there any minecraft servers that give away ranks for free?

I highly doubt there are any public servers that give ranks out free, I give ranks out freely to people who play on my server... but it's private.

Can RuneScape give you a virus?

No, over a million other players have played runescape and no-one has received a virus, the only way yo get one is if you download a bot for it, which is against the runescape rules anyways and you get bots off sites. If Jagex the creators of Runescape catch you with a bot you will most likely have your account locked to prevent further use of it.

Can you get a virus from RuneScape?

RuneScape doesn't give you any viruses; but it does install cache memory onto your computer to make it (RuneScape) run faster. This may slow down your computer's overall performance, since it takes up RAM and space.It is a browser based game and to get a virus you need to download the particular file, and you do not need to download anything for runescape (unless it's Java which you need to play it).Though you can download runescape client (optional have to do it manually) someone could put a virus on that other then that not possible. EDIT: to answer the question straight forward: no. I've checked with norton safe websites and its fine. no viruses, nothing.There are no viruses on Runescape. I have played for 5-6 years and i have gotten nothing. only viruses you can get is if you try to cheat by downloading an auto client or something. and something else you can consider a virus is being addicted to runescape :) and makeing runescape your life.

Can you use a prezzy card for RuneScape?

You sure can, to give you access to Runescape members.

Does give a virus?

I think it doesn't give you a virus, but pop-ups a lot however.

Related questions

On runescape private servers what is that bot people use which makes loads of accounts and spams with it?

It's like a hacking program it can be downloaded from people who give it out

What are some names of runescape private servers that use codes?

Unrealscape is my personal favorite. It uses ::pickup codes; I hope that's what you mean. For example "::pickup 8003 1" would give you a bandos godsword.

Can moparscape give you a keylogger?

no, moparscape does not give you a keylogger or virus, but on the rebound, moparscape is illegal and private servers are illegal, and moparscape is in violation of runescapes copyright laws which means you could get in trouble for using it hope that helps

Can runescape give your computer anykind of virus?

If it did 150,000,000 people wouldn't play it dude.

Are there any minecraft servers that give away ranks for free?

I highly doubt there are any public servers that give ranks out free, I give ranks out freely to people who play on my server... but it's private.

For rune scape private servers What is the best cheat client?

I do not know what you mean by 'Private Servers' or 'Cheat Client'. I will give you a few auto-ers and bots for Runescape if that's what you mean: 1.) Gary Hood's RS Client 2.) KS Bot 3.) RS Bots 4.) Type in 'RS' then the type of bot you would like (eg. Woodcutting, Firemaking, Fletching, Fishing etc.) and then type in bot. Example: RS Woodcutting Bot or Runescape Fishing Bot With the examples of a Runescape Bot / Auto-er, type them in on 'Google'. Hope one of them will help you with your question Thanks. ;)

Can RuneScape give you a virus?

No, over a million other players have played runescape and no-one has received a virus, the only way yo get one is if you download a bot for it, which is against the runescape rules anyways and you get bots off sites. If Jagex the creators of Runescape catch you with a bot you will most likely have your account locked to prevent further use of it.

Is there a runescape private server for mac. not siggiscape?

maybe sababionline if it still works on mac. that is if it works at all now. give it a go..... some of the private servers i play: silabgarza, trinitypk, sababionline(maybe down!), deadlypkerz(maybe down!). maybe down means that i havent played them for a lil bit so they might be dead! try out these servers cos i know one of them atleast works on mac. hope this helps

Does RuneScape give viruses?

Over 500,000 people play Runescape daily, and it having over 1.5 Million member and not once has a virus been reported from the game before.

What website has good silab client servers?

I know 18 servers but like 1-4 wont work.I will give you 6 of them that works which are,,,,, and for checking out these servers and this should work because that worked for me.My user is moslty C O L D.It is not in which is moparscape.

How do you make RuneScape not lag?

Switch all graphic options to the lowest levels, and sometimes there are certain servers that give you better connection (even if they're in a different country).

Can you get a virus from RuneScape?

RuneScape doesn't give you any viruses; but it does install cache memory onto your computer to make it (RuneScape) run faster. This may slow down your computer's overall performance, since it takes up RAM and space.It is a browser based game and to get a virus you need to download the particular file, and you do not need to download anything for runescape (unless it's Java which you need to play it).Though you can download runescape client (optional have to do it manually) someone could put a virus on that other then that not possible. EDIT: to answer the question straight forward: no. I've checked with norton safe websites and its fine. no viruses, nothing.There are no viruses on Runescape. I have played for 5-6 years and i have gotten nothing. only viruses you can get is if you try to cheat by downloading an auto client or something. and something else you can consider a virus is being addicted to runescape :) and makeing runescape your life.