Gorebyss is an evolution of Clamperl. If you trade it while it holds a DeepSeaScale, it evolves into Gorebyss.
no you can trade soulsilver pokemon to black
You CANNOT LEGALLY download Pokemon Soulsilver.
You'll need to trade for it from Pokemon HeartGold. It is not avilable in the wild in Pokemon SoulSilver.
there is a mew in Pokemon soulsilver but you need to catch all leadndery Pokemon including event Pokemon
It is impossible to move a Pokemon from SoulSilver to Sapphire as the two games are from different generations, you can only migrate Pokemon from Sapphire to SoulSilver.
Gorebyss is a Water type pokemon.
Gorebyss is #368 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water type Pokemon.
Trade a Clamperl with a Deepseascale.
Impossible without cheating.
no you can trade soulsilver pokemon to black
he is not in Pokemon soulsilver or Pokemon heartgold
Huntail + deepseascale+ trade=gorebyss
give to hold and then pkmn trade to make clamperl evolve into a gorebyss.
The Hoenn Pokédex only goes to 202, so no one has that number, unless you mean the national Pokédex, then it is
POKEMON SOULSILVER come with a poke walker and the Soulsilver game
Pokemon soulsilver and Pokemon heartgold are basically the same game just different versions but i do recommend buying Pokemon soulsilver