My party is a lv 56 Garchomp, (You can find a Gible in the wayward cave under the bike road, or you can find a Gabite in victory road), lv 56 magmar, lv 56 Gengar, lv 56 Vaporeon, lv 56 Lucario, and a lv 56 staraptor.
P.S. I beat the elite 4 with lv 56 Pokemon!
In the future, don't take such risks.
the person above me has a good team but hes a realy good team im using ATM
spirtomb (ghost and dark so has no weakness)
garchomp (has same stats has most legenary Pokemon)
Both of the people above me have MOSTLY good Pokemon but these are the bad ones:
magmar,golem and (vaporeon is Ok)
here are the 5 best teams for Pokemon platinum:
team 1 torterra flareon staraptor frosolas dragonite and magmortar.
team 2 empoleon jolteon lucario garchomp electivire and giratina.
team 3 infernape vaporeon rhyperior salamence alakazam and staraptor.
team 4 MY TEAM:Torterra empoleon dialga giratina rhyperrior palkia.
team 5:MY BROS TEAM:empoleon torterra dragonite garchomp luxray Alakazam. My team is infernape, torterra, magnezone, rhyperior,dragonite/ salemence, golduck or kingdra my teams: Pokemon pearl: infernape, torterra, magnezone, rhyperior, golduck, dragonite heartgold: feraligatr, houndoom, honchcrow, ampharos, victreebell, dragonite diamond: torterra, infernape, empoleon, staraptor, rampardos, alakazam
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it depends what team of Pokemon you have
No, instead there is a Team Galactic.
It is always a good idea to have a team that has various different types, strengths and weaknesses. This way you will be able to anticipate for any Pokemon that comes your way and you will be able to choose the Pokemon that has the tactical advantage in your team.
Houndoom , Roserade , Garchomp , Empoleon , Luxray , Staraptor is a very good team , it just depends what moves they have , How good there stats are What level they are.Other wise , it's a very good team for Pokemon Platinum. Here's a suggestion: Gallade , Empoleon , Garchomp , Frostlass , Crobat , Gliscor.
In platinum, yes.