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In platinum, yes.

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Q: Does team Galactic go to Mtstark in Pokemon?
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Go to the Pokemon spa there for 365 days in a row. On the 364 day Commander Saturn will be there and ask you to join team galactic!

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frst defeat the gym leaderthen go to the team galactic headquarters the one that is small. then when you have accomplished that you can go there!

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u go to sphear pillar

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I think two of the best Team Galactic Pokemon are Cyrus's Honchkrow and Crobat. Go ahead and judge me. Thank you. But what I was hoping for were some non-sinnoh Pokemon that fitted into team galactic's theme. Oh well.. that was still a good answer though... thank you.

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You go to Vielstone city and go into Team galactic building and find Cyrus(Team galactic boss) then battle him. After the battle he should give you a master ball.

Where does team galactic go after spear pillar in Pokemon platinum?

After the Spear pillar, they go to Stark Mountain