EVs: 248Attack/252Speed/10Special Attack
Nature: Naive
Item: Choice Band
Stone Edge
Fire Blast
Also these are recommended:
Dragon Dance
Dragon Claw
Salamence can only learn Hydro Pump as an egg move in Pokemon Emerald.
Salamence does not learn Dragon Dance by leveling up. It can learn Dragon Dance from its father as an Egg Move.
Salamence cannot learn Thunder Fang but it can be taught it by going to the Move Relearner in Blackthorn City.
no, it cant learn it. but u might be able to learn it from a move tutor
Salamence can only learn Hydro Pump as an egg move in Pokemon Emerald.
yes it is 160hp with a 100 move.
Use any decent ice type move and because Salamence is a Dragon/Flying type, it will be 4 times as powerful as normal. Salamence should die but if it doesn't then you're probably screwed.
Salamence does not learn Dragon Dance by leveling up. It can learn Dragon Dance from its father as an Egg Move.
Salamence cannot learn Thunder Fang but it can be taught it by going to the Move Relearner in Blackthorn City.
Yes but only via egg move.
Answer:Guillotine (for its guillotine-like wings)
Swellow Salamence
You haven't given any details so I do not know. But they evolve at Level 40 into Salamence. Salamence is a very good Pokemon I'm guessing. So just keep working on Shelgons exp bar until evolution and try to get a decent Salamence! Hope I helped :)