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Q: What is a fetch spell how do you get rid of it?
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Use Fetch mp3

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Well i don't think you can get rid out it.

How do you spell holet?

The spelling holet is a conjugation of the German verb holen (to fetch).The transposition is the word "hotel" (an inn or lodging).

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Expecto Patronum

Spell to get rid of a baggart?

I believer the meant Boggart? and That would be "Ridikulus"

How do you get rid of a ghost who haunts you for a month?

Use a home and hearth cleansing spell.

On the bone puzzle how do you spell ten?

on the first bone you get rid of the one on the bottom and the sides.Next one you get rid of the right side one.On the last one you get rid of the one in the middle and bottom.

How do you get rid of a shaman?

Cast a spell on them. The spell you should cast goes like this; Hee-be Jee-be Oohma ooh Go Away And Do A Poo

How do you get rid of the squids in secretbuilders Nautilus?

You have to use your frog spell, click on your avatar and click you stuff and then click on the frog spell and after that click on one of the squids.

How do you spell get in German?

Depending on context, get can be translated as:(as in fetch)holenabholen(as in to receive)bekommenkriegen(as in to obtain)besorgen(as in to achieve)erlangenerrreichen(as in to become)werden(as in to understand)verstehenkapieren

How do you say fetch in German?

fetch = holen fetch = bringen

How do you get rid of the bad spell in seashells once the animal inside is gone?

Soak them in soda water.