The red ring of death represents hardware falure. contact xbox if you see any red lights on your xbox. they are all bad. if you see 3 red flashing lights, that is the red ring of death.
If I am not mistaken, yes it can. I'm quite sure my friend had it on his original Xbox.
You Might have a red ring
from 100 to 140$
well the main reason for getting the red ring of death is if the fans get blocked but ive never known for sure, if you have the red ring of death contact Microsoft and they will refurbish it for you. glad if i helped
Get a Ps3
No. You have to send it in to Xbox to get it repaired. They fix RROD for free now.
The red ring of death represents hardware falure. contact xbox if you see any red lights on your xbox. they are all bad. if you see 3 red flashing lights, that is the red ring of death.
You buy a new xbox
Throw the xbox 360 out the window and buy a playstation then stamp on the ruined remains of somthing you never should of bought in the first place
xbox over heating
if its the red rings you got red ring of xbox kaboom
It will have the Red Ring of Death for about 3 years +
Yes the ring around where it shows how many controllers you have will turn red.
The won't really officially admit they had a problem, but they claim to have made improvements see related link