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When they go red,you either dont have the TV inputs plugged in,or your 360 has had system hardware failure from consistent hours of'll have to send in your 360 in to Microsoft to get it repaired(it may take a few weaks).Also,if the lights go red,immediatly turn your 360 off put a towel over it and put a cool ice pack on top of it,if you do it every time it happens,your 360 will keep playing for a couple of days if you dont play it for more than one hour.After that send(sending it in is free) it in,or buy a new one.

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Q: What if the XBOX 360's light goes red?
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What does it mean when the lower right hand red light goes on on the xbox 360?

The red ring means your Xbox has encountered an error or it has been hacked.

Why do you get the red ring of death?

Earlyer Xbox 360s did not have a built in fan that cooled down the concel so which made the 360 to hot and get fried.

Where do you send your xbox 360 if it has the red ring of death?

just let the Microsoft people do. ( like let a Microsoft store fix it ) because the old version of the xbox360 has many errors. All xbox 360s has will it for the old version

Does a playstation 3 have the red ring of death?

No because the ps3 was built in with a fan unlike earlyer Xbox 360s. The only way you can get a red ring of death for the ps3 is if some how a the model was not installed with one and did not get checked before shipping it. also the only version of xbox 360 which has the ring is the arcade not any else

What do you do when you see a red light instead of a green light when you turn on your xbox?

Bring it to gamestop and get it fixed. It has red ring of death!

Do the new Xbox's 360 get the red light of death?

you can get the red ring on any type of xbox 360. do not leave it on all night or u will find out the hard way.

When you plug your xbox power supply into the wall the orange light comes on as usual but as soon as you plug the power supply into your Xbox the light turns red and the Xbox wont turn on?

While the Xbox is turned off, plug the power supply into the xbox first. Then plug it into the wall and it should be orange. Turn on the xbox and then the light will change to green.

Which get the red light of death most frquently xbo360 or ps3?

Of course the xbox 360

Which xbox 360 can not get the red ring of death?

The new Falcon Xbox 360s (Any Xbox 360 model made after August 8th 2007) Is most likely a falcon (You can check if you still have the box. It says on the side. Otherwise look at the console info by going to Xbox 360 Settings either way They mostly only market Xbox 360 Falcons now but if you buy one from Ebay and Amazon ask them the Date on the box. So Falcons are Fine Others maybe not. Its all in the choice and price. Like the Falcons are just called xbox 360s and you will get them just like regular ones but Im 90% Sure they dont manufacture the old ones now but if they still do just check and you should be fine.

How do you fix your xbox 360 when it shows a red light?

You have to mail it to the Microsoft xbox 360 corporation. Unless you know some Guinness that can fix it.

Do ps3 get red rings of death?

no because ps3s have single buttons but 360s have big hollow buttons

What are the sequences of the left turn arrow light?

it is different for all intersections, sometimes it goes on while the light for the people going straight is still red and sometimes it goes on right before the light turns red