It means theres an error when it happens just reset (turn xbox 360 of and on again) or if it still does it there mite be something wrong with wires etc.... =)
reset it and try again or contact Microsoft
no but xbox live will work on xbox 360 live you said that rong you mean xbox live works on the x box 360
It is a Hack for Xbox 360 which allows you to play Homebrews...Risky though
if by modded you mean a flashed then yes but evan if you are playing official xbox 360 games you can still get banned from xbox live
If you mean the Xbox 360 console itself then no it doesn't need a battery, it gets plugged into an outlet. If you mean an Xbox 360 controller then yes it needs batteries, unless if you get a charging dock for it.
reset it and try again or contact Microsoft
no but xbox live will work on xbox 360 live you said that rong you mean xbox live works on the x box 360
Of course you can. The color of the Xbox 360 does not mean anything like that. All Xbox 360' can play any game release for the Xbox 360.
The xbox is bigger than the xbox 360 not by much, but obviously, but if you mean sales wise the xbox 360, it has about 9 million more sales the the original xbox
The red ring means your Xbox has encountered an error or it has been hacked.
It's a Xbox 360 exclusive, so if you mean the original Xbox, No, you can't get it on the original Xbox. 360 Only.
How do you get to the 3rd Rhino position in halo wars dome of light on Xbox 360
If you mean, can you play a copied Xbox game on your Xbox 360. The answer is yes, but you will need to mod (chip) your xbox.
Yes. It doesnt mean that you will get the Xbox 360 for free though. i know that but how and where
It is a Hack for Xbox 360 which allows you to play Homebrews...Risky though
if by modded you mean a flashed then yes but evan if you are playing official xbox 360 games you can still get banned from xbox live
Xbox 360, or Xbox 1 Because You have a choice, do you want to be retro, or do you what to be modern, if you know what i mean