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if by modded you mean a flashed then yes but evan if you are playing official Xbox 360 games you can still get banned from xbox live

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Q: Can you play regular xbox 360 games on a modded xbox 360?
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Can you play copied Xbox games on the Xbox 360?

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Do you have to have a modded xbox 360 to have modded games?

yes you do the run the iso files(games)you have to have a modded xbox 360 unless you use the same programs microsoft does

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Downloading Xbox games on the internet is illegal and will need your console to be modded to play the games.

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Call Microsoft.

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I would buy the Kinect for your Xbox but not a modded controller as you will get suspended if you play with a modded controller.

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No, You cant even Play on xbox live with a modded xbox 360 or modded game

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A Microsoft XBOX 360 does not run an emulator. You can only play XBOX based games. Any XBOX 360 that has an emulator to play non XBOX games is a modded XBOX 360.

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Yes you can play American Xbox 360 games in Australian but only on Australian Xbox consoles. Although there is a way you can play American Xbox games on an Australian Xbox. It can be done by getting your Australian xbox chipped/modded so you can play any region games and even fake/burnt games.

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How do you play Xbox 360 games on the regular Xbox?

You don't

Can you pklay Xbox 360 games on Xbox?

no. you need an xbox 360. not a regular xbox to play 360 games.