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You have to go and talk to Professor Oak in Eterna City. He's in the small house that's closest to the building that leads to the cycling road.

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Q: What happens when you complete the national Pokedex on Pokemon Diamond?
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Is there a Dex after the national Dex in Pokemon Diamond?

No, there is not a Pokedex after the National Pokedex in Pokemon Diamond Version.

How do you get a national pokedex for Pokemon diamond?

complete a normal pokedex then go to palpark and talk to prof oak

How do you get to route 225 in Pokemon diamond?

you have to complete the sinnoh pokedex and get the national pokedex hope i helped :P

What happens when you complete the national pokedex in Pokemon diamond?

oak will thank you on the PC that is it what a blow out

How do you get your second pokedex in Pokemon diamond?

To get your second (national) pokedex you have to complete the first (sinnoh) pokedex by seeing all the Pokemon in sinnoh. when you have, go to the professors lab in sandgem town and show him the pokedex, then professor oak will come and give you the national pokedex.

How do you get the national Pokedex in Pokemon Diamond?

well you need to have all your Pokemon in your pokedex and when you get your national pokedex you will get breed

How do you get Pokemon off national pokedex on diamond?

press switch pokedex on the national pokedex and you will be using the sinnoh pokedex

How do you get passed that guy on Pokemon Diamond?

You finish the Pokemon league and get the national pokedex You finish the Pokemon league and get the national pokedex

Who is number 473 in national pokedex in Pokemon Diamond?

In the National Pokedex in Pokémon Diamond number 485 is the Pokémon Heatran. He can be found in the volcanic caves of the region.

Who is Pokemon 067 in Pokemon Diamond?

in the national pokedex it is mackoke. if it is in the sinnoh pokedex it is buneary.

Who is number 386 in national pokedex in Pokemon diamond?

Pokemon is a very famous cartoon and games series. The number 386 in the national Pokedex in Pokemon Diamond is Deoxys.

How do you get the national pokedex in Pokemon dimond?

You can get the National Pokedex in Diamond when you see all 150 Pokemon, but not necessarily capture them.