You finish the Pokemon league and get the national pokedex
You finish the Pokemon league and get the national pokedex
The name of the "yellow haired" guy is Barry if you are talking about Pokemon diamond and pearl series.
in any pokemart near the counter.
Pokemon diamond
you go to the guy in cancave city in the house
There's no such guy in Sandgem Town that has 3 Master Balls.
You must have defeated Cyrus at Mt. Coronet and battled Dialga.
theres nothing passed it
Define 'gray guy', there are lots of special characters in Diamond
He is the Daycare Guy- he takes care of your Pokemon for a small fee
go to the Pokemon league and get a job
he is in jublife. if i am wrong someone else will provide an answer
go to the guy in Canalave City the house by the pokemart (diamond and pearl)
Your rivals dad.
The name of the "yellow haired" guy is Barry if you are talking about Pokemon diamond and pearl series.