You don't have to capture it, you just have to move it out of the way so if you faint it then it's not a problem cause the path is no longer blocked
it wil never come back...
To get past snorlax on heartgold you need to get the power back on then go to the Kanto raido tower and get the radio get up graded by the man with the hat then go to snorlax and play the pokeflute on the pokegear by moving the circle to the top.When you battle snorlax kill him or catch him.
It is gone. If you saved the game after you killed it then it is gone forever.
It will come and kill you in your sleep. Goodnight
well step one: buy a weapon step two: kill it
it wil never come back...
To get past snorlax on heartgold you need to get the power back on then go to the Kanto raido tower and get the radio get up graded by the man with the hat then go to snorlax and play the pokeflute on the pokegear by moving the circle to the top.When you battle snorlax kill him or catch him.
You could use action replay, or trade a snorlax from another game.
It is gone. If you saved the game after you killed it then it is gone forever.
It will come and kill you in your sleep. Goodnight
In SoulSilver, even if you defeat the snorlax without capturing it, it will reappear after you defeat the Elite Four, so you don't have to worry about not being able to catch it later on. Whether snorlax is a good Pokemon or is a good addition to your team is a different story. Snorlax is a pretty powerful Pokemon that can both take hard hits and dish them out. However, as a normal type, the moves it learns by level do not have terrific type coverage.
well step one: buy a weapon step two: kill it
through the diglett cave... wake up the snorlax with the radio *tune it to the near top and check it the radio should say pokefulte* then kill or capture the harmful snorlax with leftovers.
Go to Lavender town. Then go to the radio tower and talk to people until u get the kanto radio. Go to the snorlax and put the radio in the top of the big circle. it will play pokeflute. talk to the snorlax while pokeflute is on, and it will wake up. Three options: ( RUN CATCH OR KILL )
If you kill azlef, It will FNT. so... save while you are in the cave.
Kill? hehehe...If you really wanna do that,you are in the wrong game,but if you want to just defeat them,then level your Pokemon more :D. 70 Level should do the trick.