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the only 3 ways to get it back are

1. turn it off

2.go to the move tutor

3. use a TM

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Q: What happens if you choose not to teach a move to your Pokemon?
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just choose the TM you want to teach and hit use then choose a Pokemon and delete a move [a Pokemon can learn up to four moves] but what you might be experiencing is maybe your Pokemon can`t learn that type of move

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It depend what game you have. In Pokemon Ruby you can buy the move in Lilicove City(same with Emerald and Sapphire ) In Diamond you buy the move in Veilstone City.(same with Pearl and Platinum) After you get the move just press A and then select use. Then choose which Pokemon you want to learn. Or want till gets to a certain lvl

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there is a move tutor in Pacifidlog that will teach you that move

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a gym leader can't teach a Pokemon that move but you have to defeat the 6 gym leader in order to teach that move

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You can teach it to fighting type pokemon.