Actually to teach this move to Gengar you need to find the move tutor that will teach the move to any of your Pokemon this move tutor is in Viridian city you need the HM Cut to get to him though. Also a move tutor in Pokemon xd gale of darkness will teach Dream Eater to your Pokemon.
It learns the move Dream Eater at level 57.
lvl 39
No, i dont think so... maybe alakazam.... but not kadabra
gengar can't learn scary face unless breeded
To name a few, Butterfree, clefairy, meowth, drowzee, lapras, and umbreon. Most psychic types can learn dream eater, but it is useless unless the opponent is asleep.
In Generation I, the only Pokemon that can learn Dream Eater are Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Drowzee, Hypno, and Mew. Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar are the only ones who learn it naturally, by leveling up; the remainder can learn it only by TM (TM 42, obtained in Viridian City).
It learns the move Dream Eater at level 57.
hynosis and dream eater can be learned by tm's but nightmare once he evovle's
It can but you need a move tutor to do that.
lvl 39
In order to teach Dream Eater to any Pokémon, you would first need the TM for Dream Eater. Once you have the TM in your inventory, you need a Pokémon that is the correct type to learn the move.
it learns it on level 77Type your answer here...
In the Pokemon games Darkrai learns the move dark void at level 66. He is the only Pokemon which can learn this move.
No, i dont think so... maybe alakazam.... but not kadabra
The Gastly family can learn it by level up and they can be found can be found in Lost Tower. TM 85, which contains dream eater, can be found at the Valor Lakefront.
In Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/Colloseum/XD he learns Dream Eater in lvl 33. But in Pokemon Firered/Leafgreen he learns it in lvl 28.