pewter city gym= HM05 flash cureulean city gym= HM01 cut vermilion city gym= HM02 fly celadon city gym= HM06 rock smash fushcia city gym= HM04 strengh saffron city gym= HM03 surf cinnabar city gym= HM07 waterfall viridian city gym= no HM
we can get 8 gym badges byfighting all the gym leaders in Pokemon pearl.
you earn them
battle it
You are in jhoto first then when you have all the 8 gym badges you can go to kanto and get 8 more badges which will be all 16 badges then you can challenge the pokemon league. Hope that helped.
If your Pokemon won't obey you, you don't have enough gym badges... Each gym badge only allows your Pokemon to obey you up to a certain level. After that your Pokemon will stop listening to you until you get more gym badges..
The gym leaders have the badges all you need to do is defeat them.
you need to beat the 8 gym leaders
Beat the gym leaders. You get a new badge for every gym leader you defeat.
After obtaining the other 7 badges you return to Viridian City and the gym will be open.
There what you get when you beat a gym leader.
we can get 8 gym badges byfighting all the gym leaders in Pokemon pearl.
Just like in FireRed/ LeafGreen versions, you must have 7 badges.
Yes, if you get the Gym Badges.
you earn them
battle it
Get 3 or 4 Gym Badges