Episode 245 "Feeding Frenzy" Somewhere around the end Gotenks turns into a super saiyan 3
Episode 230 "Super Saiyan 3"
He turns into super saiyan 4 on episode 59 when he fights omega shenron. Of series gt.
gohan turns super saiyan 2 in episode number #170 It's actually DBZ Episode 185-Awakening
Goku does not turn super saiyan 6 or 5 in fact. and it only goes up to super saiyan 3 in the manga and super saiyan 4 in the cartoon.
Dragon Ball Z Kai episode 47
Episode 230 "Super Saiyan 3"
230. Super Saiyan 3?! no it's episode 245 because i just watched it
He turns into super saiyan 4 on episode 59 when he fights omega shenron. Of series gt.
gohan turns super saiyan 2 in episode number #170 It's actually DBZ Episode 185-Awakening
Goku does not turn super saiyan 6 or 5 in fact. and it only goes up to super saiyan 3 in the manga and super saiyan 4 in the cartoon.
episode 129
Episode 230 Super Saiyan 3?!
He doesn't. Super Saiyan 5 doesn't exist.
ssj 10 isn't real
You fight majjin buu on the rooftop, beat him after that goku can be a super saiyan 3. to turn gotenks ss3 fight super buu in the hyperbolic time chamber
What episode does goku turn super saiyan 3?Cut American version episode 230. Super Saiyan 3?!Uncut American version episode 245. Super Saiyan 3?!Japanese episode 245. Super Saiyan 3?!First aired: 9/26/2002
In the episode "Take Flight Videl" near the end of the episode