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: Jessie: Prepare for trouble! (Sometimes changed to match situation/costumes) : James: And make it double! (Sometimes changed to match situation/costumes) : Jessie: To protect the world from devastation! : James: To unite all people within our nation. : Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love! : James: To extend our reach to the stars above! : James: Jessie! : Jessie: James! : Jessie: Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light! : James: Surrender now or prepare to fight! : Meowth: Me-owth! Dat's right! : Wobbuffet: Wooooooooobbuffet! : Chimecho: Chime, Chime! ~Team Rocket Introduction, Kanto to Hoenn ---- : Jessie: Prepare for trouble from the skies! : James: From beyond the stars, a nasty surprise! : Jessie: An evil as old as the galaxy! : James: Sent here to fulfill our destiny! : Meowth: Plus, there's me! : Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love! : James: To extend our reach to the stars above! : James: Jessie! : Jessie: James! : Meowth: And Meowth are da names! : Jessie: Anywhere there's peace in the universe, : James: Team Rocket... : Meowth: Will be there... : All:To make everything worse! : Wobbuffet: Wob-buffet! : Chimecho: Chime chime! : Mime Jr: Mime mime mime! ~Team Rocket Introduction, Battle Frontier

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Q: What does team rocket always say when they come to ash?
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Does ash get captured by team rocket in pokemon?

in some episodes, he's captured with his friends but they always escape from team rocket. By the way, team rocket SUCKS. jesse & and james are bunglers.

Why does pikachu does not want to go to the pokeball?

Ash won't return Pikachu to a Poké Ball after Pikachu is defeated in a match because he respects Pikachu's dislike for being in a Poké ball and Pikachu is also very stubborn. Most Pokémon don't mind being within the confines of the Poké Balls but there are some Pokémon that don't appreciate the confinement.

When does ash meet dawn?

after they defeated team rocket ash walked up to dawn and introduced himself.

Does Ash like anybody in Pokemon?

Yes, even though Team Rocket and other villians try conquer the world, Ash will always help anybody in need of help. To Ash, everybody is Ashes friend deep inside.

Team rocket steal Pikachu?

Pikachu belongs to Ash. Team Rocket are pests for not just stealing Pikachu, also stealing Misty and Brock's pokemon. Team Rocket are mean, nasty, lame, and evil crooks. Team Rocket are morons.

Why is Team Rocket always after Pikachu?

It's Team Rocket's job to be annoying. You can't steal Pokemon without being obnoxious and suitable for children under 13 at the same time.

Does team rocket of Pokemon ever win?

nope. ash and co. always win against those evil failures. same in the games. u, the player, always foil their plot

What happened to ash's father in pokemon?

It is rumoured that ash's dad is the leader of Team Rocket. We don't know who it is for sure.

Where did team rocket first meet ash?


What Pokemon episode does ash dress like team rocket?

Episode 37

What if Team Rocket built a robot replicating the outer beauty of May or Misty to trick Ash?

then ash would get laid

Do ash catch meloetta?

I think so .only to keep team rocket from getting it.