in some episodes, he's captured with his friends but they always escape from team rocket. By the way, team rocket SUCKS. jesse & and james are bunglers.
Episode 37
I think episode 34 may be wrong im just a begginner on pokemon
after they defeated team rocket ash walked up to dawn and introduced himself.
As of the current data for Ash catching Mewtwo the answer is no. Right now nobody has captured Mewtwo due to the fact that he is such a strong pokemon.
nope. ash and co. always win against those evil failures. same in the games. u, the player, always foil their plot
Episode 37
It is rumoured that ash's dad is the leader of Team Rocket. We don't know who it is for sure.
The stars on Pokemon are Ash Catchum, Brock, Misty, and Team Rocket
Episode 2 season 2 of pokemon.
Pikachu belongs to Ash. Team Rocket are pests for not just stealing Pikachu, also stealing Misty and Brock's pokemon. Team Rocket are mean, nasty, lame, and evil crooks. Team Rocket are morons.
Ash's Snorunt evolved into Glalie in Rhaspody in Drew during a battle with Team Rocket.
In the manga it was Misty's Gyrados after it was Eevee, both went into Ash's/Red's team however Eevee stayed because the Gyrados was burrowed.
I think episode 34 may be wrong im just a begginner on pokemon
They speak the Pokemon language that all Pokemon can understand, but the only time he "spoke" was in the episode "Island of the Giant Pokemon", when there was subtitles when Ash's (and Team Rocket's Ekans and Coffing) spoke. Other than that, Team Rocket's Meowth is the only non-psychic Pokemon that can speak the human language.
It's Team Rocket's job to be annoying. You can't steal Pokemon without being obnoxious and suitable for children under 13 at the same time.
yeh. Because ash's first Pokemon is pikachu. Since it always out of the pokeball,it spent much time with ash than any other Pokemon. Anyway i didn't like the stupid electric mouse Pokemon(pikachu). I only like ash's charizard and it is my favourite Pokemon