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Pokemon is short for "Pocket Monsters"

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Who can learn headbutt in Pokemon HeartGold?

theres a guy in the ilex forest that teaches any of your pokmeon the move

Lucian's Pokemon Bronzong what moves does it know?

Lucian's Pokemon pre national pokedex Bronzong: psychic, Gyro ball, calm mind, Earthquake Lucian pokmeon post national pokedex Bronzong Lv 70 ( has the same moves)

Pokemon trainer with a ludiculo in Pokemon Sapphire?

In Pokemon Sapphire, there is only one trainer in the game that has a Ludicolo. To find her go to Victory Road and search around everywhere and you will find a pokmeon trainer that has a Nosepass LV 42, Ludicolo LV42 and Medicham LV42.

What is the best way to catch Raikou and Entei in Pokemon HeartGold?

the best way is to get faster pokmeon (faster then the entei and raikou) i recomend a high level raichu and a high level gengar first pralyze the Pokemon using thunder wave in raichu then they are going to flee the second time you hunt them doen have gengar in front of your party when the battle begins use the move mean look then the entei or raiku whont be abel to escape (note if you switch out gengar mean look whont work) with gengar make them go to red health and start throwing pokeballs (i recomend searching the legendary dogs at night because dusk balls are more effective at night)

Is Pokemon quartz version fake?

Im the Pokemon league champion and according to me, Yes, it is fake. fake Pokemon, fake islands and places, and it has a lot of swearing in. i garantee you it is fake. and i garantee you i talk to much. First of all, acording to me you talk way more than the first perosn. second of all everybody who beat the game in any pokmeon game is a legue champion.

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How to transfer pokmeon to Pokemon Stadium from Pokemon diamondpearl?

you can't if you mean Pokemon battle revolion for wii i don't know

Where do you find keldo in Pokemon black?

Do you mean keledo if so its an event only Pokemon if youre talking about someother pokmeon let me know.

Witch is better ff or pokmeon?

Pokemon by a long shot

How do you get mew in pokmeon diamond?

buy it at the rare Pokemon store

Is Pokemon XD compatible with Pokemon SoulSilver?

no they'r not do what i do 1st i trade Pokemon from xd to sapphire, ruby, emerlad 2nd i migrate the pokmeon form s/r/e to my pokmeon platinum or soulsilver then voala

How do you get charmender in pokmeon emerald?

You can't get charmander in emerald you must get one from firered or leafgreen.

How do you catch arceus in pokmeon platinum?

throw a masterball at it. you have to get the event for him. that's over. now you have to cheat

What number is manaphy in Pokemon Ranger?

manaphy does not hatch in pokmeon ranger it can only hatch in the sinnoh region

Who can learn headbutt in Pokemon HeartGold?

theres a guy in the ilex forest that teaches any of your pokmeon the move

What do you do with the Life Orb in Pokemon SoulSilver?

you give it to a pokmeon and it will make the pokemoons atacks more powerfull at the cost of some HP

How do you get a sun ribbon to evolve riolu in pokmeon explorers of sky?

you should get it after beating the special episode Todays scream with sunflora

When is heatran in stark mountain on pokmeon platinum?

I have the same problem but i belive you have to wait 24 hours then hes at the top of the mountain/volcano