In Pokemon Sapphire, there is only one trainer in the game that has a Ludicolo. To find her go to Victory Road and search around everywhere and you will find a pokmeon trainer that has a Nosepass LV 42, Ludicolo LV42 and Medicham LV42.
well it depends either you or your rival if you chose mudkip its your rival if you chose it, there you go but i'm not sure if any other trainer has it.
(this is for Gameshark)Pokémon Sapphire Master Code:9E6AC862 823AB7A88365F8FA 817CF3E9---------------Steal other Trainer's PokemonFB089E40B13D1214096A963E6F9250B0006085A581627261Press L + R, then throw a ball
There is no cheat to obtain Kyogre in Pokemon Ruby. To obtain Kyogre and Pokemon Ruby, one must trade with a trainer that has obtained Kyogre in Pokemon Sapphire or Emerald.
Pokemon Ruby has Pokemon that Pokemon Sapphire does not and Pokemon Sapphire has Pokemon that Pokemon Ruby does not.
Go to your PokeNav,go to trainer's eyes and anyone with a blinking pokeball next to their name wants a rematch.
he lives in mossdeep in Pokemon Sapphire and he is the Pokemon league champion he is a steel type trainer.
No, you can't steal Pokémon from other trainers in Pokémon Sapphire.
A lot
Wally, the true rival of Pokemon ruby, sapphire and emerald.
The stars are located on the top of the card on Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire.
You're most likely looking at the Trainer ID Number. Whenever a trainer catches a Pokemon, their ID number is assigned to it. 177178 must be the Trainer ID of a trainer. Check out other Pokemon in your roster, and this might solve your problem.
It depends on the traners id number.The Pokemon with the id number 13414 would have to be caught by a trainer with that trainer number.My Pokemon sapphire version's trainer number was 30314. Pika pal 03.
There isn't really a correct answer to this. It depends on how the trainer likes to battle.
There is no Trainer Tower in Pokemon Pearl. It is only present in Pokemon Leafgreen and Firered and Pokemon Emerald. There is however, a Battle Tower in Pokemon Pearl which is basically the same as the battle towers in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.
That's your trainer ID number, not a Pokedex number.
i think you need a e-reader to skan Pokemon cards(trainer card=trainer in back room Pokemon card=Pokemon in back room, this might work in sapphire & rube aswell).
FLING is a dark type move than anally removes the opposing trainer's pokemon's testicles