Usually it means that the person your talking to is bored so maybe you should change the subject and talk about something they like to talk about.
Mean Look is effective against the Pokemon Mesprit to prevent it from running away. Keep in mind that Mean Look ends when the Pokemon that used it is switched out or faints.
use mean look for not leting them run away, ghost Pokemon could learn it
get a high level Pokemon that can use mean look ,mean look keeps a Pokemon form running away or flieing.
use the move block or scary face Its not scary face its MEAN LOOK; mean look Pokemon are easier to find, they are ZUBAT and GASTLY
Yes, it does it causes cresselia and mespirit to not run away for a few turns.
Your too afraid to shOw him your feelings.
no if he does then looks away if your staring back then he does
It probably means that he like you. Have you tried talking to him? Is he a friend? Evaluate your situation and see what is the most logical answer.
When I look away, I'm just bored. But if 'someone' looks away, it might be because: 1 - They are struggling to find something interesting to talk about. 2 - They are nervous. I accept that it's rude, but, it might merely suggest that the person is nervous. 3 - They are thinking. Trust me, some people just look away while they are talking. It doesn't mean anything anymore than the fact that they are concentrating on your words only. They do it cause some people aren't used to eye-to-eye conversations. Distracts them, maybe. 4 - Or maybe a hot chick or guy caught their eye. And refused to let go. 5 - Or maybe they are just bored. It's entirely up to you to observe. And do so properly. :)
People have different habits when the are on a one to one with another person and talking. Some people look at peoples eyes, while others look at the mouth. It really doesn't mean anything.
This means the boy is slightly shy but likes you and wants to get to know you
It probably means that he like you. Have you tried talking to him? Is he a friend? Evaluate your situation and see what is the most logical answer.
it means that she wants to talk to you in full contact she wants to be able to look in your eye so you understand what she is saying.
It sounds like they have a crush or they were just looking at you. If they do it a lot, they probably like you. Try talking to them a little more, and be a judge as to whether they are into you.
It may mean that he likes you and is shy to make eye-contacts with you. He starts talking to other girls just to hide his shyness.Or maybe he simply doesn't likes you.
Usually a person looking at you while you speak means they are listening to what you say. If he continues to look at you while another person talks or looks mainly at you when he talks, then he probably likes you.
She doesn't like you and is ignoring you. She could possibly be lying to you.AnswerI would never trust someone who can't look me in the eyes, or at least make some eye contact, while talking to me. If a person is extremely shy they may do this. Otherwise, I feel that someone who cannot look me in the eyes while talking has something to hide, they are not being honest, etc.