Yes, it does it causes cresselia and mespirit to not run away for a few turns.
Catch a ghastly from the haunted mansion in Eterna forest. Level it until it learns mean look, or it may already know it. If you're using it to catch the fleeing Pokemon like Cresselia then you'll have to level it quite high for its speed to be adequate to keep up. for An extra speed boost battle fast Pokemon like golbat to build up your speed EV's. Well u could jus give ur gastly with mean look a quick claw wich should be a lot eaysier than tranning it up to like 60 and u could give it speed potions to
It will keep fleeing unless you have a Pokemon with Mean Look or something like that so it won't escape. Try catching a wild Golbat. The same is for Mespirit.
get a high level Pokemon that can use mean look ,mean look keeps a Pokemon form running away or flieing.
no, you use an ultra ball on Mesprit and quick balls on Cresselia. it would help to train a golbat to about lv. 50-55 (depending on stats) and teach it mean look. then start chipping away at there hp since they won't be able to escape. then do what you do for any legendary. another thing you can do is train a trapinch (migrate from hoen) with arena trap as its ability. but to be safe don't use timer balls the effect only works on non legends and ainchents.
use the move block or scary face Its not scary face its MEAN LOOK; mean look Pokemon are easier to find, they are ZUBAT and GASTLY
chase it with the first team member that is faster than it and teach the mean look so the Cresselia can't run
yes if you lower the hp enough. (clue cresselia always flees at the start of battle. use mean look or block to enable it you'll also want to use mean look again after 3 turns :).
If you are trying to catch Cresselia I would swap Diglett for one of our stronger Pokemon (click x then go onto the Pokemon section, click the Diglett and press switchto switch it for one of your stronger Pokemon before the battle). Diglett cannot learn Mean Look, or any of the other blocking moves such as block and Spider Web.If I were you I would use different Pokemon to catch Cresselia.
The easiest thing to do is catch a zubat... it learns it at a low lvl... I'm not sure that there is a TM for mean look though...Additional:There is no TM for mean look, you have to catch something like murkrow, misdreavus, gastly or zubat and they will either know mean look or learn it at a certain level. If you are trying to catch mesprit or cresselia do not just go and catch one of these Pokemon in eterna forest or the Pokemon tower because mesprit or cresselia's speed rate will be higher and will be able to flee before you get the chance to attack (you could use a quick claw though)
mean look= prevent fleeing, false swipe= left with only 1 hp left, dusk balls, ultra balls, and quick balls.
A good way to get mean look to work on Cresselia is get a Crobat, around level 45, to use it. He will be faster than Cresselia and the attack will take effect. The only drawback to Mean Look is that the Pokemon you use it with can't be switched out, otherwise Cresselia will be able to flee again.
Once you have the national pokedex go to Canalve City and visit the boy thrashing in his sleep. Go to Fullmoon Island and after cresselia flees get the lunar wing and give it to the boy. Then chase cresselia around on the map app and use a master ball or mean look.
I think you mean Fullmoon Island. Fullmoon Island is where you encounter Cresselia. It is a roaming Pokemon, so you can't catch it there.
I would prefer a Haunter from TurnBack cave which is level 50+ so use mean look and it'll never escape! (Muahahhaaahahah!) And then, the pokeball i would prefer is Ultra Ball and SUPER HIGHLY RECOMMEND is Master Ball. Also, the move i would usually do to her is Dark Pulse on cresselia. The move is from Haunter.
First get your National Dex. Then go to Canalave City. There is a house by the dock with a little boy and mother in it. Now the little boy is in bed with his mother by his side. Press A on him and it will say "The little boy is thrashing about in a tormenting nightmare". Go to the sailor and he will say he went to Fullmoon island to look for a Lunar Wing for his son, but failed. He will then ask if you will look for the Lunar Wing. He takes you to Fullmoon island. Follow the path into a forest. You will see a crescent shaped pond with Cresseliain the middle. Go up to it and press A. It flickers a few times and dissappears. There is a pokeball/item where it once was. Pick it up. (Trainer's Name) obtained the Lunar Wing! Go back to the sailor and he takes you back to Canalave. Go into his house and heal the boy with the Lunar Wing. Now find Cresselia. Cresselia is Female, level 50, and it is just like Mesprit. It is recommended to have a Pokemon with Mean Look and a lot of pokeballs of your choice. Once you use Mean Look it's just like catching any other legendary, but DO NOT LET YOUR POKEMON WITH MEAN LOOK FAINT!!!! Once it does, Cresselia will flee the first chance it gets. I hope that this guide helps you get Cresselia! :]
You mean cresselia? Beat the league and go to canalave city. go to the sailor's house (beside the dock) and talk to the child and mum. The sailor will come in and he will ask you to go to fullmoon island. Deep inside you will find cresselia and it disspears. pick up the lunar wing and give it to the child. After that cresselia will go all over sinnoh, so i think you need a marking map to catch it.
if you mean:wich Pokemon know mean look? you can catch golbat at level 45 in mt.cornet.