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Button one refers to the left mouse button. Button two is the right mouse click, or, if you're using a mouse without a left and right button, it is shift+click. Button three is pressing down the scroll wheel. Hope this helped! :-)

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Q: What does button 1 mean in minecraft?
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What does button 2 mean in minecraft?

It is in reference to the 'Right Click' on your mouse.

How do you turn the controls from Button 1 to the normal controls in minecraft?

Button 1 is the left mouse button, which is normal. If you want to change it, go to the options.

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If you mean to buy minecraft, go to and click the big orange "Get Minecraft!" button. If you mean on a server, it depends on which server you go to. Most servers have websites.

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You don't donate on minecraft, you buy the game, which then regesters your minecraft username to be a account that has bought the game. If you mean how do you donate to a specific minecraft server, then go onto the server website, and they will probbaly have a DONATE button.

What does Lshift mean in Minecraft?

it means the shift button on the left side of your keyboard, under Caps Lock.

What button means eat on minecraft?

1. Get food and hold it 2. Press and Hold right click

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You hold the right mouse button.

How do you change control on Minecraft from button 1?

You click on The one that says Button 1 and type anything (Letters or Numbers) example, button 1 (You click then type the letter or number you want like A) So when you change it, it should be that letter that does that thing.)

What does the force update button do in Minecraft?

It updates Minecraft to the latest released version.

How do you download Minecraft after you purchase it?

At the bottom right of the minecraft homepage there is a download button.

What are the steps of downloading a minecraft 1.2.3 texture pack on window xp?

1.Go to the site 2.Click on the download button 3.Put the downloaded minecraft texture pack in to the textures folder in .minecraft

What bottons do you use to build a block on minecraft?

By that i guess you mean place a block in which it is, RMB (Right Mouse Button). Ryan