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You don't donate on minecraft, you buy the game, which then regesters your minecraft username to be a account that has bought the game. If you mean how do you donate to a specific minecraft server, then go onto the server website, and they will probbaly have a DONATE button.

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Donate to optifine, or buy minecon tickets. (I have a optifine one)

Do you pay once for Minecraft?

Yes. Once you buy Minecraft, you never have to pay again unless you want to donate to a multiplayer server. But, most multiplayer servers are not affiliated with Mojang. You need only to buy the actual game once.

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Minecraft Beta is better than Minecraft Alpha. If you want more Beta and more Alpha versions. Donate to mojang, so I can tell the creators to create, create more versions.

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For a premium account it costs $26.99. There's no "VIP" accounts available for purchase. Those are only available on certain Minecraft servers that you can donate or purchase different ranks from to obtain special abilities in-game.

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A god that has way better content than a certain minceraft cheater (jk jk lol). Pro bedwars gamer isnt a furry (ItsFundy lol). Sub 2 techno follow him @Technoblade twitter and donate (ask for a dog named after you). PS donate more than 100 dollars



What is past present tense of donate?

The past tense of "donate" is "donated" and the present tense is "donate."

Slogan on eye donation?

donate eyes ,donate life. donate your eyes and give someone sight

Can i donate your hair if you smoke weed?

i wouldn't let you donate my hair but you can donate your own

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The suffix of "donate" is "-ate".

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