A vertical stand is available for the PS3
Courage means to stand strong.
In final stand you keep your weapon you were holding and eventually you can get up if you don't get shot. In last stand you pull out an M9 pistol and after about 15-20 seconds you automatically die. :P
If you are asking what does WMD stand for it means Weapon of Mass Destruction.
DSV Alvin happened in 1968.
DSV Road was created in 1976.
DSV Leoben was created in 1928.
DSV Posen was created in 191.
SeaQuest DSV was created on 1993-09-12.
The duration of SeaQuest DSV is 2700.0 seconds.
SeaQuest DSV ended on 1996-06-09.
SeaQuest DSV - 1993 To Be or Not to Be 1-0 is rated/received certificates of: Iceland:L
SeaQuest DSV - 1993 Brainlock - 3.11 was released on: USA: 12 January 1996
SeaQuest DSV - 1993 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG (some episodes) Australia:G (some episodes)