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A vertical stand is available for the PS3

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Q: Does a PlayStation 3 stand upright?
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Do you need a stand for PS3 vertical?

You don't need a stand for the old PlayStation 3 edition. However for the one called "PlayStation 3 SLim" you DO need a stand for it.

How do you turn a Playstation 3?

They sell a vertical stand for you to turn the PS3

Do trout have upright erect posture?

No. Trout do not stand upright.

Is it bad to play a playstation 3 slim on it's side?

There is a stand for the PS3 so it must be OK to use the Sony stand

On Playstation 3 what does XMB stand for?

XrossMediaBar. However, it's pronounced Cross Media Bar.

Is the Blue Ray Player on the Playstation 3 console as good as a stand alone unit?

Yes! the Playstation 3 has just as good quality, resolution, and sound quality as a standalone blu-ray player. I would suggest not buying a blu-ray player if you already have a playstation 3.

If you stand a PS3 upright does it burn the disc?

no it does not

What are animals that can stand upright called?

humans and other creatures that walk upright are called

What is the Height of a 3-4 size upright bass with the stand fully closed from head to toe?

3/4 basses are usually 74" long.

Do muscles hold you upright?

They don't hold you upright, more like sideways...

Can a PlayStation 1 play PlayStation 3 games?

You can not play PlayStation 3 games on a PlayStation 1, but you can play PlayStation 1 games on a PlayStation 3. All of the PlayStation consoles are backwards compatible.

Why plants leaves stand upright in the morning?

Because they can