Yen...that crossword stumped me to...
Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This is a made-up word meaning strong or durable. You can see where they got the word from "stand" meaning to hold fast.
because it has a strong meaning.
Fortissimo, meaning "very strong."
Stand over you.
to stand = amad (עמד)
The root word sti means to stand. stet,sta,sist,stit,and sti are all root word meaning stand
It does not stand for anything. The word navy is derived from the Latin word navigia meaning ships.
The root word of understanding is "stand," which comes from the Latin word "standere," meaning "to stand."
gin Strong drink refers to distilled beverages.
It doesn't stand for anything else but the meaning of the word "raw". Brutal etc.
The English rendering "strong man" is from just one Greek word - ischuros - meaning, "strong, mighty; of living beings, strong either in body or mind."