you cant you need to bring about 500gp with you and i belive 3 snow kabab furs to the fancy dress guy in varrock we will make you the leggings
13 and NO younger. Runescape is very complex.
for all the help i need with runescape i go on
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it needs to be about 54
It depends on the type of kebbit, polar kebbits are easy, all you need is a hoose and if you want Some camouflaged polar outfits (optional) it just increases the chance of catching one. Relleka is a good place for beginners and polar kebbit fur is worth 2-3k each! so if i were you id get (hoosing?)
kebbits can be squished with a deadfall trap, you will need level 24 hunter for this. - Additional Info: Creating Deadfall Traps - You will need a knife and any log in your inventory, and you will need to set up a trap in the appropriate, specified locations (click around the boulders). These seem to be excellent experience, and taking a hatchet with you to the locations is recommended.
To hunt you need to have tools for hunting, such as a box trap. use the box trap to hunt bunnys in the woods and get some XP
Level 1 Hunter is required to hunt Crimson Swifts. You will also need at least 3 Bird's Snares in case you lose some to random events.
Since polar bears are not territorial, they will simply range around until they find a suitable food, usually avoiding other bears.
This is related to hunting, when you hunt a kebbit successfully they will have fur on them. I am going to improve this answer. You need level 1 hunter to catch polar kebbits. There hunting spot is near relleka past the outside rockcrabs(look on world map if you need help or look on a rs helpsite.). Their furs ar every valuable and expensive. I always wait till 28 furs is over 100k so it will be more prohitable. I have made over 200mil hunting these animals and while i hunted them i got 99 hunting as well. Yes, it was very boring and took about 5 months but it worked for me and i got rich while i did it i got rich and soon bought a blue party hat. well that's pretty much all.
Buy on from the Grand Exchange, or off another player Directly, otherwise you need over 55 Hunter to hunt Graahk's for furs.
If polar bears didn't have claws they would be vulnerable to attack from other animals because Polar bears can use their claws to defend themselves. Polar bears can also hunt and find food using their claws therefore Polar bears need their claws to survive!.
Polar bears need floating ice to use as platforms from which to hunt for seals, and as a result, global warming affects them more directly than many other species. They are a kind of early warning system for global warming.
you cant you need to bring about 500gp with you and i belive 3 snow kabab furs to the fancy dress guy in varrock we will make you the leggings
You need level 30 mining to mine Coal in Runescape.
13 and NO younger. Runescape is very complex.