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13 and NO younger. Runescape is very complex.

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Q: How old do you need to be to play RuneScape?
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How old do you have to be to make RuneScape?

to play runescape you must have to be 13+

Why do you have to be 13 to play RuneScape?

I think you need to be 13 to play Runescape because it has a bit of violence. ;)

How old do you have to be to be a member of RuneScape?

The minimum age to play Runescape is 13. or 12 (idoit)

How do you play RuneScape on ipodtouch without jaada?

If you mean "... without Java", it is not possible. You need Java to play RuneScape.

What games can 10 year old play girls?

They can play Runescape.

How old should you be to be able to play runescape?

13 years old

How much total level you need to speak at runescape forums?

Free To Play Requirements:To post on the forums as a free to play (F2P) Player of RuneScape you need a minimum total level of 350. Pay To Play Requirements:To post on the forums as a pay to play (P2P) Player AKA a "Member" Of RuneScape you do not need any requirements, you are able to post on the forums from the time you join the P2P part of RuneScape.

How do you play RuneScape on Facebook?

You don't really "play on Facebook"; you just associate a Facebook account with RuneScape. After that, if you are already logged in into Facebook, you can select RuneScape from there and don't need to login again.

How old do you have to be to go on RuneScape?

Runescape is a all aged game. But younger people might find it harder to play. :)

How old do you have to be to play RunScape?

To play RuneScape you have to be 13 or older. Of course loads of people play when they are younger regardless.

How do you play old runescape without java?

Just like the new RuneScape, the old one also requires Java to be installed. The game client may provide a workaround, but I don't know whether it works with the old RuneScape game.

Is there a game just like Runescape but with the old wilderness?

In the modern RuneScape, you can go play in PvP world - there you can attack other players, and get attacked. There is RuneScape Classic (the old RuneScape). You can't currently join, but it seems that in May 2010, then in November 2010, you can join again - if you have a RuneScape membership.