If you breed a female Skitty and a male Wailord then you get a Skitty but if you breed a female Wailord and a male Skitty then you'll get a Wailmer.
wailord is in undella bay
No, Skitty is not in that generation.
Wailord is the largest Pokemon followed by groudon.
No, but skitty can be caught on route 222 in Pokemon diamond pearl and platinum
Skitty's evolved form is named Delcatty- the Prim Pokemon.
Yes, as long as they are in the same egg group. It is even possible to breed Wailord and Skitty.
If you have a Vulpix in ditto, or a female Vulpix with another Pokemon that is the opposite sex. (I've breed numerous Pokemon such as Arcanine with Dugtrio, Eevee with Any of its evolutions, Mightyena, Skitty, and more including Skitty with Wailord). So in my opinion it's a god idea to breed your Pokemon because if you breed a variety of Pokemon that are compatible with another you end up with Pokemon that know/can learn moves that they normally wouldn't be able to learn.
it can breed with seaking, gyarados, lanturn,qwilfish,octillery,sharpedo,wailord,whiscash,relicanth,luvdisc,lumineon, and all of their previous forms
there is no trainer with skitty in black 2. you'll have to trade with someone who was white 2 or in a different gen. if you have delcatty in your pokedex, go the gts in the pokemon center and seek for one so you can breed it.
Skitty is a Normal type pokemon.
You can get skitty in route 116
wailord is in undella bay
A skitty is a Pokemon that looks like a cat.
You can't get a skitty in Pokemon white unless you migrate it from another game.
Well, you'll need a Wailord, and a Skitty. They are in the same egg group, and thus can mate. When the Skitty explodes, the resulting blast will decimate him.
No, Skitty is not in that generation.