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Ah, the pokedoll in Pokemon Yellow is a special item that can help you in a tricky situation. You can use it to escape from battles with wild Pokemon that you can't defeat easily. It's like a little friend that comes to your rescue when you need a break. Just remember, it's always good to have a helping hand, even if it's a fluffy one!

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13y ago

A poke doll is used to end a wild battle quickly. it is not recommended to use on Legendaries, because it ends the event they were in as well, and they will be gone. if you do not feel like battling team rocket to get the Silph Scope yet, buy a Poke Doll, and use it on the ghost Marowak. this will end the event, and you can finish in Pokemon Tower.

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Q: What do you do you do with the pokedoll in Pokemon Yellow?
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Where is the poke doll in Pokemon Yellow?

A Pokedoll is in the Celadon Department Store.

What can you do with the pokedoll in Pokemon Red?

2 things: If used in battle the pokedoll allows you to escape no matter what, If used in the fight against the marowak ghost in Pokemon tower you can use the pokedoll to cheat past it instead of getting the silph scope.

Where is the copycat Pokemon Yellow?

In the upper left hand conner of saffron city.And also,if you give her a pokedoll,you will give you the TM 31 aka mimic.

What do you do with a pokedoll?

it helps distract a Pokemon so you can escape

Where is the pokedoll of copycat in Pokemon Crystal?

at the Pokemon fan club house in vermilion.

How do you buy a pokedoll in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can buy a Pokedoll at the Celadon City Dept. Store on the 4th floor, it's the first item. Costs: 1000

Where is the pokedoll you have to find in soul silver?

At the Pokemon fan club in vermilion

Where can you find a pokedoll in Pokemon Yellow?

Well, a pokedoll, eh? I can tell you. If you're just starting out, work hard and reach the pokedoll. If you have been to Lavender Town, take the route on the left near the Pokemon Center. Keep following the route. You'll be in Celadon City before you know it! ( Not Cerulean City where Misty is, by the way! ) Somewhere you'll find a big, big, big, big, big store and go in a door. Take the lift. Click Floor 4 and your Game Boy will start to shake a little bit. Ding dong! Walk out of the lift. Talk to the guy near at the bottom. The first item you can buy will be a useful pokedoll! Pokedolls distract wild pokemon if you can't get away. Suppose you meet a Geodude. You press RUN. Uh oh! You can't get away! Geodude uses a attack to weaken your pokemon! Act quickly! Press ITEM and pokedoll. It will distract him and you can leg it! Even if the pokemon is a boy, it will turn into a girly boy and play with the pokedoll! You'll get your pokedoll back after your battle, so be sure to pick one up! Hope this helped! :o)

What do you do in copycat's house in Pokemon FireRed?

Buy a pokedoll for her in the super mart, and she will teach one of your Pokemon mimic

What is fluffy tail in Pokemon crater?

it makes u have an easy get away from wild Pokemon just like the pokedoll and smoke ball

How do you rescue mrfuji in Pokemon Red?

You must first get the Silph Scope from Giovanni in Celadon's Game Corner, or just buy a pokedoll. (Note: Without the Silph Scope, you will not be able to catch or fight the ghosts in the Pokemon Tower) When you get to the end of Pokemon Tower, you will run into a level 30 Marowak, Now this Pokemon can be beaten Normally if you have the Silph Scope, if not just throw the Pokedoll at it and it will flee. THE MAROWAK CANNOT BE CAUGHT. Go up the next flight of Stairs, there will be 3 rockets, or in yellow version just Jesse and James. Beat them and Mr. Fuji is waiting right there.

How do you get a ticket for the goldenrod city station for Pokemon soul silver?

yes,but you have to get copy cat her pokedoll and she'll give it to you.